Summer Bucket List

Last year I moved to Portland, Oregon in the middle of one of the wettest springs on record. While all my friends were enjoying the warm (okay…more like unbearably hot) Missouri summer in May and June on the lake and at ball games, I was stuck in low 60s and rain. When July finally rolled around I was giddy with plans and adventures to have. Only 1 catch. I couldn’t seem to drag anyone out with me.

This summer I am taking charge. I’ve decided to put together a bucket list for the summer. The plan is to complete it by Labor day (or I can buy myself some extra time if the weather stays nice) and blog my progress.

So let the fun begin! Here is my list thus far…although I might find a couple more things to do along the way:

1. Host a BBQ

2. Make a trip to the beach and build a sandcastle

3. Make at least 2 trips to Smith Rock

4. Climb Mt. Adams

5. Drive up to Seattle for a Mariners game

6. Go for a boat ride

7. Have a bonfire

8. Backpack East Eagle Creek Loop in the Wallowas

9. Ride my bicycle from Portland to the Coast

10. See the swifts in August

11. Climb South Sister

12. Run the entire Wildwood Trail in Forest Park

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